Season 5, Episode 24: Both Sides Now (originally aired May 11, 2009)
- Both Sides Now by Cameron Cubbison
- Be on the Lookout for Evil Symbolic Imaginary Lipstick by Robin Reed
Season 5, Episode 23: Under My Skin (originally aired May 4, 2009)
- Under My Skin by Cameron Cubbison
- Who doesn’t go for the drugged-out hallucinating bad-boy type? by Robin Reed
Season 5, Episode 22: House Divided (originally aired April 27, 2009)
- House Divided by Cameron Cubbison
- When in Doubt, Bring Back the Cool Dead Chick by Robin Reed
Season 5, Episode 21: Saviors (originally aired April 13, 2009)
- Saviors by Cameron Cubbison
- My Mojo Hangs in the Balance by Robin Reed
Season 5, Episode 20: Simple Explanation (originally aired April 6, 2009)
- Simple Explanation by Cameron Cubbison
- The One Where Something Important Happens by Robin Reed
Season 5, Episode 19: Locked In (originally aired March 30, 2009)
- Locked In by Cameron Cubbison
- Dying of a Papercut by Robin Reed
Season 5, Episode 18: Here Kitty (originally aired March 16, 2009)
- Here Kitty by Cameron Cubbison
- Genetically modified for tastiness by Robin Reed
Season 5, Episode 17: The Social Contract (originally aired March 9, 2009)
- The Social Contract by Cameron Cubbison
- I’m not jealous of Cuddy’s pistons by Robin Reed
Season 5, Episode 16: The Softer Side (originally aired February 23, 2009)
- A Brand New House by Cameron Cubbison
- House doesn’t do happy. by Robin Reed
Season 5, Episode 15: Unfaithful (originally aired February 16, 2009)
- Religious Hokum Against Sponge Bath by Cameron Cubbison
- My position is, you’re wrong. by Robin Reed
Season 5, Episode 14: The Greater Good (originally aired February 2, 2009)
- Whinefest ‘09 by Cameron Cubbison
- I’m a doctor! And I need a doctor! by Robin Reed
Season 5, Episode 13: Big Baby (originally aired January 26, 2009)
- Big Baby by Cameron Cubbison
- The One Where Cameron Wears That Suit by Robin Reed
Season 5, Episode 12: Painless (originally aired January 19, 2009)
- Painless by Cameron Cubbison
- Drama, Drama, Drama by Robin Reed
Season 5, Episode 11: Joy to the World (originally aired December 9, 2008)
- Wilson Has Very Girly Handwriting by Robin Reed
Season 5, Episode 10: Let Them Eat Cake (originally aired December 2, 2008)
- Everybody knows this is going somewhere… by Robin Reed
Season 5, Episode 9: Last Resort (originally aired November 25, 2008)
- The One Where Olivia Wilde Acts by Robin Reed
Season 5, Episode 8: Emancipation (originally aired November 18, 2008)
- Lies! by Robin Reed