Season 5, Episodes 16 & 17: The Incident (originally aired May 13, 2009)
- Ille qui nos omnes servabit by J.B. Perlow
- Destiny’s Child by Robin Reed
Season 5, Episode 15: Follow the Leader (originally aired May 6, 2009)
- Rub-a-dub-dub, Sawyer, Juliet, and Kate in a Sub by J.B. Perlow
- ‘Cause This is Filler… Filler Night… by Robin Reed
Season 5, Episode 14: The Variable (originally aired April 29, 2009)
- They Shoot Physicists, Don’t They? by J.B. Perlow
- The One Where They All Turn Out to Be Related by Robin Reed
Season 5, Episode 13: Some Like It Hoth (originally aired April 15, 2009)
- Miles and Hurley’s Excellent Adventure by J.B. Perlow
- In the Ciiiiirrrrrrcle of Trust by Robin Reed
Season 5, Episode 12: Dead Is Dead (originally aired April 8, 2009)
- Trial By Smokey by J.B. Perlow
- I’m sure the monster will understand by Robin Reed
Season 5, Episode 11: Whatever Happened, Happened (originally aired April 1, 2009)
- Kate Has Men Issues Part 47 by J.B. Perlow
- Cop Out by Robin Reed
Season 5, Episode 10: He’s Our You (originally aired March 25, 2009)
- Paradox Lost by J.B. Perlow
- Would you kill baby Hitler? by Robin Reed
Season 5, Episode 9: Namaste (originally aired March 18, 2009)
- Mr. Nama, Nama, Nama, Namaste Gonna Work Here Anymore by J.B. Perlow
- So What Are We Supposed To Do Now? by Robin Reed
Season 5, Episode 8: LaFleur (originally aired March 4, 2009)
- LaFleur Don’t Know Nothin’ ‘Bout Birthin’ Babies by J.B. Perlow
- That ’70s Show by Robin Reed
Season 5, Episode 7: The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham (originally aired February 25, 2009)
- Can’t Keep a Good Locke Down by J.B. Perlow
- The Curious Case of Jeremy Bentham by Robin Reed
Season 5, Episode 6: 316 (originally aired February 18, 2009)
- Land of the Lost by J.B. Perlow
- Oh, stop thinking how ridiculous it is! by Robin Reed
Season 5, Episode 5: This Place is Death (originally aired February 11, 2009)
- Not Without My Jin by J.B. Perlow
- This island is bad! by Robin Reed
Season 5, Episode 4: The Little Prince (originally aired February 4, 2009)
- Are the Seventy Hours Over Yet? by J.B. Perlow
- Wherein a Bunch of Stuff Happens by Robin Reed
Season 5, Episode 3: Jughead (originally aired January 28, 2009)
- A Tale of Two Charles Widmores by J.B. Perlow
- Desmond’s Kinda Dumb by Robin Reed
Season 5, Episodes 0, 1, and 2: Destiny Calls/Because You Left/The Lie (originally aired January 21, 2009)
- Gotta Go Back In Time by J.B. Perlow
- Goin’ Rogue and Shirtless by Robin Reed