Check out these reviews of your favorite episodes:
Season 2:
Season 2, Episode 2: Keep This Party Going (originally aired June 21, 2009)
- Keep This Party Going by Tanya Lane
Season 2, Episode 1: Nothing But the Blood (originally aired June 14, 2009)
- Nothing But the Blood by Tanya Lane
- Bad Stuff in Bon Temps by Inisia Lewis
Season 1:
Season 1 Review (January 1, 2009)
- Sex, Drugs, and Rock ‘n’ Roll by Inisia Lewis
Season 1.12: You’ll Be The Death of Me (originally aired November 23, 2008)
- Stop Killing My Favorite Characters by Elma Rahman
Season 1.11: To Love Is To Bury (originally aired November 16, 2008)
- And Then There Was One by Elma Rahman
Episode 1.10: I Don’t Wanna Know (originally aired November 9, 2008)
- High Stakes by Elma Rahman
Episode 1.9: Plaisir d’amour (originally aired November 2, 2008)
- It’s a Dog Eat Dog World by Elma Rahman
Episode 1.8: The Fourth Man in the Fire (originally aired October 26, 2008)
- Beyond the Grave by Elma Rahman
Episode 1.7: Burning House of Love (October 19, 2008)
- Blood, Sex, and Ritual by Elma Rahman
Episode 1.6: Cold Ground (originally aired October 12, 2008)
- Southern Comfort by Elma Rahman
Episode 1.5: Sparks Fly Out (originally aired October 5, 2008)
- Tortured Souls by Elma Rahman
Episode 1.4: Escape from Dragon House (originally aired September 28, 2008)
- Fang-Bangers and Election Night Highlights by Elma Rahman
Episode 1.3: Mine (originally aired September 21, 2008)
- Idle Hands by Elma Rahman
Episode 1.2: The First Taste (originally aired September 14, 2008)
- Vampire Dos and Don’ts by Elma Rahman
Episode 1.1: Strange Blood (originally aired September 7, 2008)
- It’s Deliciously Bloodcurdling by Elma Rahman